The Build No-Sag Gates for your Porch woodworking plans are a big hit with pet owners, and the interest and feedback so far has exceeded
Category: Ideas
Quick tips for miscellaneous tasks around the house

I needed to provide access to the bathtub “wet wall” plumbing during a recent renovation. It had to be located in a highly visible place

If you’re a hardy DIYer looking for a cheaper alternative to stone or other solid surface countertops, you might want to consider this unique alternative – concrete.
Concrete has almost unlimited creative potential for design ideas, colours and shapes.

This is a follow up to a previous article “Who Needs a Home Workshop” Although we may dream of that rosy world where we have

The days of banishing Fido to the doghouse in the backyard would appear to be over. And rightly so. Today, we consider our pets as

Two signs were stuck to the wall above my Dad’s desk at the family photography studio. One said: “The hurrier I go, the behinder I

Our sanity is still intact – thanks to a fenced side yard and our porch pet gates.

These hand-painted tiles were just the right accent for our kitchen valance. With a little imagination and a few tiles you can add character to wall shelves or a coat rack, a bathroom vanity, kid’s furniture or just about anything you could think of. Let your imagination be your guide.