Craft-seller opportunity
The Honey Money Bank makes a great craft product that would a appeal to a broad audience – why not grab the chance to sell them at local markets, craft fairs or even online?
If you’re interested in making and selling Honey Money Banks as a fully finished product or a ready-to-assemble kit for craft painters – licensing agreements to make and sell this Stonehaven original design can be purchased for a very reasonable one-time fee.
3 ways to make money
We see three money-making possibilities for a hobby or weekend woodworker to make and sell this as a product – at three different price points:
Add Money to your Honey Sales
If you’re a beekeeper who sells your honey and other hive products at the local market or from your own roadside stand, why not offer the Honey Money Bank as special gift packaging and boost your income at the same time. Pack it with a few sample-size items such as beeswax lip balm, soap, and hand creme along with a small jar of honey.
There are all kinds of possibilities. Add an attractive logo of your apiary to the side of each bank for long-term brand recognition. And while you’re painting, don’t forget the bees…
Stonehaven support
Stonehaven Life is more than happy to refer customers to licensed Honey Money Bank sellers – and we’ll provide a link to your sales site as well. Please note: Stonehaven Life will retain exclusive rights to sell and distribute the Honey Money Bank Woodworking Plans.
Manufacturers Licenses are available on a local, regional, national or international basis for all our Stonehaven Life Original Design Woodworking Plans. For more information please Contact Rick at Stonehaven Life.